Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Debian Linux V5 32 / 64 Set For Pc - Best Linux Os

Find Debian Linux V5 32 / 64 Set For Pc - Best Linux Os on eBay in the category Computers & Networking>Software>Operating Systems>Linux for $11.99.(Click Here to Know More)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Linux in the WorkPlace: How to use Linux in Your Office

"Linux in the Workplace introduces Linux users to the desktop capabilities of Linux and the K Desktop Environment (KDE) graphical user interface, a powerful Open Source ...(Click Here to Know More)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Linux Board Altera Cyclone Ep1c20f324c6 Board Linux

Find Linux Board Altera Cyclone Ep1c20f324c6 Board Linux on eBay in the category Computers & Networking>Software>Operating Systems>Linux for $9.99.(Click Here to Know More)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

<Linux> - Google Search

pages from the UK. Search the entire web from the Google home page! ©2009 Google - Google Home - Advertising Programmes - Business Solutions - About Google ...(Click Here to Know More)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Linux, Uk - ZDNet Australia

... Uk news, Linux, Uk reviews, Linux, Uk features and case studies, Linux, Uk ... Dell's UK launch of PCs pre-installed with the Ubuntu Linux operating system has ...(Click Here to Know More)

Friday, September 25, 2009

..:: Linux UK ::..

Linux UK. Quick Navigate: News - - - 05/11/02. ARTICLE: Debian and me. ... "Linux has come a long way in a very short time. People tend to forget this when ...(Click Here to Know More)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Linux Journal Coupon

Save almost 65% off the cover price! Subscribe to Linux Journal and save almost 65% off the annual newsstand cover price. Subscribers receive exclusive access to all articles on-line and convenient delivery to their home or office each month. ...(Click Here to Know More)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Linux 2.6.31's best five features - Computerworld

Linux 2.6.31's best five features
Lately, most of the improvements in the Linux kernel have been for server users. In the latest release though, Linux 2.6.31, most of the best goodies are ...

(Click Here to Know More)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

Xbox 360 Game Console To Compute Scientific Problems - ITProPortal

BBC News

Xbox 360 Game Console To Compute Scientific Problems
The old PS3 gaming consoles could be used in clusters of up to 32 nodes using Terra Soft Solution's Yellow Dog Linux. Unfortunately, Sony has removed the ...
Xbox speeds up research results BBC News

all 22 news articles »
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Sunday, September 20, 2009

Recover data with Linux - TechRadar UK

Recover data with Linux
TechRadar UK
When you're used to the world of Windows or OS X, Linux can seem a little unforgiving. Not only does command-line access hand over the ...
Grubbing XP Pro to 2nd Boot ZDNet UK
lxer Weekly Roundup for 13-Sept-2009 LXer (press release)
Cave Dwellers Give Ubuntu Two Thumbs Up DaniWeb
TechRadar UK
all 5 news articles »
(Click Here to Know More)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Linux Mint Xfce Community Edition Released - ZDNet UK

Product Reviews

Linux Mint Xfce Community Edition Released
A Community Edition of Linux Mint using the Xfce desktop was announced over the weekend. This combines two of my favorite things in Linux - the Mint ...
Linux Mint 7 XFCE released The H
Linux Mint 7 XFCE: Ubuntu-based distribution Product Reviews
Softpedia Linux Weekly, Issue 62 Softpedia
all 5 news articles »
(Click Here to Know More)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Nokia launches N900 hack fest! -

Nokia launches N900 hack fest!
Nokia's so keen to show off its open source, Linux based Maemo software for the Nokia N900, it's encouraging anyone and everyone to take a hacksaw to it and ...
Hacking 80's Gadgets with the Nokia N900: PUSH N900 London Launch PSFK
Nokia N900 May Debut in the US Late this Month Brighthand
Nokia N900 Digitimes
Comtex Smartrend  - Inquirer  - ITProPortal
all 19 news articles »
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